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Re: Current Limiting and Impedence

Original poster: syd <tesla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello Gerry,

The introduction of an air gap reduces the effective permeability of the core, which in turn decreases the magnetic flux density (B). B needs to remain below the saturation point for the core material you are using, typically 1.6 tesla for grain oriented silicon steel (common in transformers). In a current driven winding, such as in a ballast inductor, the volts per turn isn't so important; what IS important is the current, the number of turns, the magnetic path length, and the permeability of the core.

If you're buying the steel laminations from a supplier then you'll have access to their specs for magnetic path length and permeability for a given core. E/I cores are the best because you can very accurately introduce an air gap with a spacer and bolt the whole thing together. If you're using a 'found' core such as from a transformer, then you can roughly measure the magnetic path length. In an E/I core there are two paths, both go through the center and then circle around the shells. Add both of those together and you have the total magnetic path length for that core in meters.

Next you need to determine the core's relative permeability. If you have no data on it, and it is a laminated steel core, then this figure might be around 40,000. That is to say, 40,000 times more permeable to a magnetic field than a vacuum. This would be the permeability of the core with NO air gap. For an example, in the ballast inductors that I'm using in CAUAC, without an air gap they would saturate with only one turn! Adding in a few millimeters of air in the magnetic path length decreases the effective permeability by perhaps 300 times.

Effective permeability = relative permeability/(1+ (relative permeability x length of gap/total magnetic path))

(and in an E/I core the gap length will be twice the spacer thickness since the magnetic path crosses the spacer twice.)

B = permeability of a vacuum x effective permeability x H tesla
(permeability of a vacuum is: 1.257 E -06)

H = amperes per meter (which is ampere turns divided by magnetic path length)

And ampere turns are simply the current in the winding times the number of turns.

Suffice to say, almost every parameter affects every other parameter and you end up with a balancing act (kind of like tesla coil design!). You need heavy enough wire to keep it from melting the insulation, and you can only fit so many turns in the window space of the core. When you decrease the effective permeability of the core, it's going to take more windings to give you the target inductance, which in turn will increase H. BUT! Fortunately the inductance increases as the square of the turns, whereas H increases linearly. Theoretically you could build such an inductor without an air gap if the magnetic path length were enormous.

The cross sectional area of the core is indirectly important. Since the total flux of the core in webers = B x cross sectional area of the core, and since this affects the inductance, then all other factors being the same, increasing the cross sectional area of the core increases inductance allowing one to use fewer windings which will in turn decrease H.

Yes. Air gaps are good in ballast inductors. Hope that wasn't unnecessarily obfuscatory.

syd klinge

p.s. I have new photos and video up on my web site of CAUAC's trip to Australia. http://www.playahearth.com

Tesla list wrote:

Original poster: "Gerald  Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Steve,

Could you elaborate a little more on the lack of an air gap. It seems to me that once you set the volts per turn and the cross sectional area of the core, that deterimines the margin from saturation. If one then eliminates the air gap, all that changes is the inductance goes up and the ballast current goes down. Im thinking the reason for an air gap has to do with the effective BH curve and the resulting core losses. Would this be correct??

Gerry R

Original poster: Steve Conner <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Ballast inductors without air gaps are no good whatever the core material. The one exception being iron powder which has a "distributed air gap". So you will see iron powder toroids used as filter chokes in DC power supplies and the like.