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Re: New Coil

Original poster: Yurtle Turtle <yurtle_t@xxxxxxxxx>

A year or so ago, Chris Boden (sp?) from the Geek
group promised a whole bunch of photos of dead caps
that had been sent to him. I don't recall whether they
ever materialized or not. Does anyone else remember
seeing these?


--- Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Original poster: "Gerald Reynolds"
> <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Maybe, if there is anything left of that maxwell
> that exploded, Terry could
> look at it and learn something. Or maybe a good
> maxwell could be tested to
> destruction to learn of the failure modes. If one
> knew what kind of
> internal cap was used to make these maxwells, maybe
> one could do a test on
> that instead. Anyone out there with a bad maxwell
> that could be taken apart???
> Gerry R