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Re: Beating Steve's coil >:o))

Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Steve,

At 09:59 PM 6/21/2005, you wrote:
Hey Terry,

To be honest, this coil was the first coil that i thought "i will just
make it more like Jimmy's first DRSSTC".  Jimmy's coil might actually
beat mine ;-).  I think he did it right the first time.  Hes getting
90" or more from a 120V line (probably at 20A?).  His coil uses a .6uF

I found that too large of cap just hits the current limit and the coil cannot get up to full power well. Too small of primary cap, and the voltage goes way high and you never can get a lot of current... I set 1500W and 450 amp limits and it came out to 112.5nF for a primary cap that would run 1499 watts and 449 amps ;-) That value also worked out to a nice MMC array with current and all... So given we want to use full power and full current, and taking into account available MMC voltages and currents in a reasonable array, there are sweet spots...


I divided Load Energy by Load Energy Rise Time and there was sort of a hump on the graph so I figured that was as good as spot as any...

So after playing with many things I came up with this:

Cprimary = 1.125000e-007
Lprimary = 3.150000e-005
Rprimary = 1.500000e-001
Coupling = 0.080000
Csecondary = 4.420000e-011
Lsecondary = 7.540000e-002
Rsecondary = 3.910000e+002
Cload = 0.500000e-011
Rload = 2.200000e+005
BPS = 120.000000
Dwell Time = 2.250000e-004

Ilprimay Maximum = 387.715276
ICprimary RMS = 36.220894
VCprimary Maximum = -6181.885377
VCsecondary Maximum = -303875.626202
Coil Power = 1464.653938   Primary Bang Energy = 12.205449
Load Power = 1038.795377   Load Bang Energy = 8.656628
Primary F0 = 84545.129467   Secondary F0 = 87181.296656
Load Energy Rise Time (Sec) = 1.525812e-004

There is room left in the total power and current in case I can't tune it perfectly. With 1464 watts in, I should deliver 1039 watts to the streamer at 153uS rise time. If tuned just right, the primary current will only peak at 388 amps.

Sooo, assuming no math errors have been made in the "trillions" of calculations :o))) it should work real good!!

There is an analysis of the mess at:


A new version of ScanTesla that has an LERT file print bug fixed is at:


