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Re: Streamer models used with Terry's new program
- To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: Streamer models used with Terry's new program
- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 21:33:46 -0600
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- Resent-date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 21:34:48 -0600 (MDT)
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Original poster: Bert Hickman <bert.hickman@xxxxxxxxxx>
Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: Steve Conner <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
There's a fair amount of detail in Bazelyan and Raizer's book "Spark
Discharge" on suitable models for sparks
Argh! It all keeps coming back to this book! The uni library don't have it
and it costs over £ 100 to buy. It sounds like a great book but it's SO
expensive! I'll see if they'll let me do an inter-library loan request,
and then get busy with the photocopier ;)
Does anyone here own or have access to a copy of "Spark Discharge"? I'm
not trying to sponge off you, I'm just interested to know.
Steve Conner
Steve and all,
Although I've been monitoring the discussion with lots of interest, I
really haven't had a chance to actively participate (been too busy
finalizing details and materials for another Lichtenberg Figures run later
this week). I have copies of "Spark Discharge" by Raizer and
Bazelian/Bazelyan (ISBN 0849328683), and the other very hard to find
classic, "Gas Discharge Physics" by Yuri Raizer (ISBN 3540194622).
If there any serious Tesla List researchers want to buy a copy of "Spark
Discharge", I have two NEW copies available for $132 each plus $3.50 for
domestic S&H (my cost).
Both titles are excellent and definitely well worth trying to obtain from
your university library or (gulp) buying if you're really serious about
this stuff. Unfortunately, I don't have any spare copies of "Gas Discharge
Physics". Gas discharge physics can be incredibly complex, and these books
represent the state of the art while still being surprisingly readable
(graduate/post graduate level).
However, since you also have access to the published literature (but not
the books), you may want to do author searches for material by Y. P.
Raizer, E. M. Bazelyan, I. Gallimberti, U. Ebert, E. Marode, P. Domensm, A.
Beroual, etc. There's really quite a lot of very good material out there
already that we should be able to build upon.
Unfortunately, you won't find anything approaching closed form equations or
simple circuit models for leaders and streamer discharges - a simple RC
circuit simply won't be sufficient now that the models for the rest of the
system are getting considerably more sophisticated. But Steve, you really
didn't expect the problem to be that simple did you? :^)
A distributed RC or RLC ladder model, possibly with active voltage or
charge controlled switches (to reflect stepwise discharge propagation) may
be the simplest meaningful model that could be cobbled up. Or perhaps a
cellular automata model. Following are some papers that should prove useful
- there are many, many more:
"A model for long air gap discharge using an equivalent electrical
network", by Fofana, I.; Beroual, A. , Dielectrics and Electrical
Insulation, IEEE Transactions on [see also Electrical Insulation, IEEE
Transactions on] , Volume: 3 Issue: 2 , April 1996
"A study of the mean charge consumption of long sparks in air as a function
of the gap length and the impulse shape", T Reess, J Paillol, A Gibert and
P Domens, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 31 No 14 (21 July 1998) 1712-1722
"Theoretical modeling of the development of the positive spark in long
gaps", A Bondiou and I Gallimberti, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 27 No 6 (14
June 1994) 1252-1266
"A predictive model of the positive discharge in long air gaps under pure
and oscillating impulse shapes", I Fofana and A Béroual, J. Phys. D: Appl.
Phys. 30 No 11 (7 June 1997) 1653-1667
"A simplified model for the simulation of positive-spark development in
long air gaps", N Goelian, P Lalande, A Bondiou-Clergerie, G L Bacchiega, A
Gazzani and I Gallimberti, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 30 No 17 (7 September
1997) 2441-2452
"Fundamental processes in long air gap discharges", I. Gallimberti, G.
Bacchiega, Anne Bondiou-Clergerie and Philippe Lalande, Comptes Rendus
Physique, Volume 3, Issue 10, December 2002, Pages 1335-1359
"Simulation of breakdown in air using cellular automata with streamer to
leader transition", A L Kupershtokh, V Charalambakos, D Agoris and D I
Karpov, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 34 No 6 (21 March 2001) 936-946
"Streamer Breakdown of Long Gas Gaps", N. L. Aleksandrov and E. M.
Bazelyan, Plasma Physics Reports, Vol. 27, No. 12, 2001, pp. 10571078
Best regards,
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