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Re: Streamer length vs. power delivery time...

Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Steve,

At 09:27 AM 6/20/2005, you wrote:
Wow! I'm amazed by how this computer modelling stuff has developed! Steve's DRSSTC-1 is pretty crazy now too :-o He's getting what, 72" at 1kW? My DRSSTC can barely make half that- as soon as I "Give it some gas" it just flashes over. I removed all the plastic insulation from the primary, but it made no difference to the flashover point either way.

I think Steve's coil has the highest Freau number ever at like 2.3 inches/SQRT(W)!! - Still working on how to define that... Probably have to stick with inches since that is how everyone is so used to it now.

I would try running ScanTesla on my coil but I don't think I need to- I've already guessed from Terry's work on Steve's coil, that my coupling is twice as tight as it should be and my tank capacitor 3 times too small :(

Me too!! I have always used lower coupling but I tended to use big primary inductance and small caps... I was trying to reduce primary current (but Steve's does not pull super high currents...). My coil seems to have a very low rise time which hurts it's Freau number... It seems the programs results so far tell us an obvious truth about how important rise time is.... Many folks were telling us that all along I guess ;-))

I was chasing down that funny ripple effect on my DC bus voltage- the one that Terry said "Fix it"- and it turned out that the busbars and bypassing caps self-resonate at just over twice the operating frequency.

Wild!! Adding a few more close in buss caps might fix it... We never think about buss resonance in DRSSTCs... I guess we should watch out for that.



The current drawn by the H-bridge has a strong component at 2f that kicks it all into resonance. If I ever did hit the resonant frequency exactly it would probably blow itself into the middle of next week! So it's off the air until I get that fixed.

Steve Conner