Hi Terry,
I ran my coil tonight, posted results (including pictures) on its webpage:
I got 72" strikes with only 6 cycles!! That should be 8.7J bang
energy or about 1044W at 120bps. The MMC only got to about body temp
Anyway, the primary current was up to 700A with air streamers and
briefly tripped the 800A limiter during heavy ground strikes. I will
play with the Rprimary in pspice to try to make my primary current
match up. I found Rprimary to be extremely crucial to everything.
Also, there is NO energy left in the primary 1 cycle after the driver
is shut off (the current hits zero fast). Pspice did NOT match this
with the 6p+220k streamer, in fact it took maybe another 6-7 cycles
before the current hit zero. Something isnt right with the model