Hi Terry,
Let me just enter my values right into the text below:
On 6/15/05, Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi Steve,
> The model is running now at 140uS...
Did it change the coupling vs Vsec graph? OR when you say its
"running" do you mean its currently crunching numbers?
> If you send me the following data on you coil I can run it. My coil might
> be substantially different than yours. The coil I modeled was never meant
> to be a DRSSTC.
> Lprimary =14uH (though it might be 2-3uH lower)
> CPrimary =450nF
> K =.25 (this is a changing parameter, right?)
> Lsecondary =130mH
> Csecondary =38pF
> Streamer length =72"
> Rail to rail buss voltage =400V
> T1 on time =175uS
> Current limit =850A
> BPS =120
> Max coil power =1800W (might be less... the killed the kill-a-watt with
my SGTC! arggg!!)
> If the coil is on your site, which one is it?
I look forward to what your program spits out ;-).