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Re: Spark length dependence on air pressure.

Original poster: Jim Lux <jimlux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

At 12:55 PM 6/13/2005, Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: Robert Clark <bobbygc2001@xxxxxxxxx>

 I've seen for example the Freau Equation for
predicting spark length:

Thoughts on spark length and the "Freau Equation"

 But since the breakdown voltage in air depends on air
pressure (or is it really air density?),

it's density.

 what is the
equation showing the dependence on air pressure (or
air density)?

Spark growth and maximum in a TC isn't a simple single shot gap breakdown (not that single shot gap breakdowns are actually simple). The actual breakdown voltage probably isn't all that important in TC spark growth. Much more important is the energy available to extend the streamer by heating the air. Certainly, a change of a few percent isn't going to make any huge difference.