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Scientific Instrument Show March 5 in Arlington, Texas

Original poster: "Tedd Payne" <teddp2@xxxxxxxxxxx>

A little off-topic, but who knows, you might find a Tesla coil or other old HV item there!

The 11th Annual Antique Scientific Instrument Show will be held on Saturday, March 5, 2005 at the Knights Inn in Arlington, Texas (Dallas/Ft.Worth area). This is the largest and longest-running show in America. For more details, click on the URL link.

On-line trading such as ebay has taken its toll on traditional live shows. If you enjoy and value being able to see instruments in person and talk to other dealers and collectors, please support these kinds of shows when you can.

I'll be there looking for old Geissler and Crookes tubes (and maybe an antique Tesla coil!).
