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Re: Terry's New Plane Wave Antenna

Original poster: "Dmitry (father dest)" <dest@xxxxxxxxxxx>

> Original poster: "Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz" <acmdq@xxxxxxxxxx>

> Tesla list wrote:

>>Original poster: "Dmitry (father dest)" <dest@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>  > Original poster: Terry Fritz <vardin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>  > Hi,
>>  > It is well known that coils tend to charge up the surroundings
>>  > negatively due to the fact that negative voltages arc "easier" than
>>  > positive ones.  Ie, mercury arc rectifier.
>>B&R "Spark discharge", page 284:
>>"6.11.1. Negative leader.
>>it`s more difficult to make the breakdown by the negative voltage, we
>>need higher voltages to do that."

> The book is wrong. Corona really forms more easily on negatively charged
> bodies. Or it appears to do so.

the book is right, you are wrong - corona and leader are far not the
same, even corona and streamer are far not the same.

> In an electrostatic machine producing symmetrical voltages, longer sparks
> are obtained when the positive terminal ball is smaller than the negative,
> so the positive side breaks down first.

it`s positive discharge, so this experement once more proves the facts
i wrote upper.

> and I don't remember
> seing actual measurements of breakdown voltages with positive or negative
> voltages, that really don't have reasons to be different.

there are several very logical reasons - they`re all described in the
book. in the other book ("Physics of lightning and of lightning
protection", page 91) it`s written, that everything this was proved by
the experiments and there`re some data from the experiments.

Let the bass kick! =:-D