Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Hi Terry,This has been mentioned before as a solution to indoor operation. I really dont think the choke would help if there was an impulse on the RF grouind. Like you say, an arc could go around the choke. Chokes of any design have their resonances and become capacitive above certain frequencies. I think an impulse would go thru the parasitics of the choke even if it didn't arc over..
Gerry R
Original poster: Terry Fritz <vardin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>I have never mentioned this before, but I have often contemplated using a choke between the RF ground and the AC line ground. The AC line ground could then still provide 60Hz safety but the choke would block the RF from the AC ground. My DRSSTC has this but I have always used an RF ground too... One problem with running only the AC ground is that if the RF really wanted to arc across the choke, it easily could...