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RE: Capacitor Help

Original poster: "Rich" <rdjmgmt@xxxxxxxxxx>

Malcolm, I don't want to say how to ground it because if it is inside,
then the question becomes---Inside= computers= networks. More problems
than I would want to take on with out a good ground clamp to a beam in
the building and a good line filter system in your power supply set up.
Rich, from the middle of Missouri

Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 7:30 PM

I just replied to Bart about the RF grounding into the ground with
pipe.  I didn't realize this going to be a requirement and I had planned
running this at work in our annual christmas tree decoration contest.
have a wire cage made to look like a tree and this Tesla Coil I'm
will be in the middle.  Obviously we don't have access to copper pipes
the ground in the office.  Are there alternatives I can use?

Malcolm in Kansas City
> Original poster: "Rich" <rdjmgmt@xxxxxxxxxx>
 > Ground is RF ground. The way I install grounds is not in the "book"
 > here goes. I have done this several times for RF grounds. Take a 10ft
 > length of copper tube, sweat a hose fitting on one end. Hook a water
 > hose to it, get on a ladder with tube and hose in hand, have wife
 > on water as you hold open end to the ground. The waster flow will cut
 > hole for the tube to go into. If you don't have rocky soil you can
 > a 10ft grounding rod. If rocky go as far as you can and do it again
 > have 2 5ft rods. Tie the two rods together and away you go.
 > Rich , from the middle of Missouri