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Re: Teslas Ball Lightning

Original poster: Terry Fritz <vardin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

At 02:39 PM 8/5/2005, you wrote:

The Nolt CSN notes p9 says he built his lab on the slopes of Pikes Peak. A relatively isolated spot, apparently he appreciated the privacy.



It would be typical then, as it is now, to consider everything within say 50 miles to be on "the slopes of Pikes Peak". At 14,000+ feet, everything nearby is "downhill" of it... So I would not take that description too literally.

Tesla lab was just about in the middle of nothing at the time. Only the big original building of the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind shows up in the pictures of the lab's surroundings. Today, it is almost in the center of the modern city.

With the on-line info now, you can pretty much pinpoint whose back yard the original site is in. The houses seem to have been built up in the late 40's. There is on evidence of the original site now other than a marker in the nearby park.

The local residents have grown very annoyed at folks wandering around looking for Tesla's lab.... If you show up there asking about Tesla's lab, they will probably just shoot you. Best just to go to the park, or keep a very low profile if you go looking around there today.

