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Old TC articles

Original poster: "Dr. Resonance" <resonance-at-jvlnet-dot-com> 

Radio-TV Experimenter was also a great magazine with coil plans.  Many were
for vacuum tube coils and were written by Harold Strand.  Van de Graaffs
were also featured in Strand's writings.

Dr. Resonance

 > "In 1941? While Tesla was still alive? If I recall correctly, the first
 > "coil-plans for the masses"
 > were written up by Kenneth Sweezy for, ummm, Popular Science, maybe? And
 > I think he got the plan from Tesla himself. I know there were lots of
 > other coil plans before that, but they were mostly in journals or
 > Scientific American. At least that's what I found out, in my research.
 > Do you remember where your plan came from?
 > Thanks,
 > Dan K."
 > Plans for TC's were in many magazines and books (Electrical
 > Experimenter, for one and many "XXX Books for Boys") at least as far
 > back as 1910 and probably much earlier.  I can't remember where (if
 > anywhere) I got the plans for what I built but suspect it would have
 > been from Popular Science circa 1938-1939.  I used both the High School
 > and University libraries and both had Popular Science, Popular
 > Mechanics, Radio News and other such which I can't remember.  If your
 > public library had old copies of "Readers' Guide to Periodical
 > Literature" you should be able to do a pretty good search if you were so
 > inclined.
 > Ed