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RE: McMaster-Carr 12" aluminum duct for toroid question

Original poster: "Rich" <rdjmgmt-at-socket-dot-net> 

Well I worry about crushing it , not because of the cost but because I
am a klutz when making it and it looks so bad , I am going to try black
plastic drain now and hoping I can make it look better. 10' of the 4"
for my small coil was only about $3.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com]
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 6:19 PM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: McMaster-Carr 12" aluminum duct for toroid question

Original poster: FIFTYGUY-at-aol-dot-com

In a message dated 10/31/04 2:52:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,
tesla-at-pupman-dot-com writes:

  >  Also, I'm not sure how the piece that's ex-
  >  pandable to 30 ft. can have the same compressed length of
  >  30" as the 15 ft. expandable stuff.  Maybe a typo on McM-
  >  Carr's part?

      I was wondering that myself.
      I just placed an order for 30' of the 8" size of your "#2" style.
let you know how it compares to the 4" and 6" stuff I've been getting
from my
local Home Depot (and whether it's really 2-1/2' long when compressed!).
      Why are people so worried about crushing their toroids? I might cry
if I
dropped and dented a nice expensive spun one, but it's easy to patch up
a very
cheap home duct-toroid.

-Phil LaBudde