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Put your TC on display at 4HV

Original poster: "Peter Terren" <pterren-at-iinet-dot-net.au> 

A shameless promotion for the 4HV site from a contributor to both the 4HV 
and TCML (as are many people).

For those of you who have the urge to show off your coil and spark pictures 
you may want to consider the 4HV forum in the Add your Tesla coil here 
thread.  There are 50 or so coils here of many different types with 2 pics 
per coil allowed.
To post you need to join and the pics need to be reduced to 475 pixels 
wide.  If you can't do that yourself then send it to me and I can return a 
reduced copy. <mailto:pterren-at-iinet-dot-net.au>pterren-at-iinet-dot-net.au

Peter (Tesla Downunder)