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Re: Hi Power Discharge "Disruptive"

Original poster: "Paul Nicholson" <paul-at-abelian.demon.co.uk> 

Robert Heidlebaugh wrote:

 > A high turns ratio between the primary provides a high
 > voltage step up of around 100:1 with the added resonant
 > boost to provide some where around a Mega volt with 20 Kv input.

Phil LaBudde wrote:

 > I've heard some folks on this List disavow the turns ratio
 > voltage multiplication.

You're right Phil.  Robert always gets that bit wrong :)

 > if the primary-secondary were a tightly-coupled transformer,
 > with the same geometry for both coils, then this would be valid.

Right. The coupling coefficient must approach unity for turns
ratio to apply.  For typical TCs, the turns ratio is usually
somewhere around 70-120 while the voltage step up is in the
range 20-60 (below breakout).

 > I personally think that we aren't seeing a even MegaVolt off
 > the top of typical coils.

Right again.  A coil may try to develop say a couple of hundred kV,
but breakout will occur as the voltage rises, tending to partially
clamp the top volts (we think).

 > If we want a top-down design of "I want spark length of x inches",
 > it seems to me we ought to know more about streamers, and how to
 > grow them.

Yes.  We can't close the loop on coil design until we know how
the streamer load behaves and interacts with the resonator.
This is the bottom line.
Paul Nicholson