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RE: SSTC design procedure
Original poster: "Steven Ward" <srward16-at-hotmail-dot-com>
Malcolm, comments within:
>From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: SSTC design procedure
>Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 16:25:01 -0600
>Original poster: "Malcolm Watts" <m.j.watts-at-massey.ac.nz>
>Dear all,
> I would be interested to learn the following from the SSTC
>community on the list:
>(1) what is your design procedure for the actual pri-sec setup (i.e.
>do you just build something and live with what you end up with, or do
>you choose a particular Lp for such-and-such a reason, Ls for some
>particular reason, and so on....)? I'd be interested to know which
>approach you take and if the latter, the general procedure you use.
Well, a good portion of my SSTC design work has been based off of other's
work as well as my own experimentation. Usually i go for the highest
coupling and lowest Lp possible. This of course depends on voltage stand
off as well at the switching devices capabilities. Im also assuming you
are referring to a "normal" SSTC that runs more "CW"-like and not the newer
pulsed SSTCs. Anyway, you want to maximize K and minimize L in most cases.
Higher K results in lesser magnetizing current being out of phase (which
will produce heat and not so much sparks).
>(2) What is the general balance between "calculate" and "pray" in
>your final results?
Honestly, quite a bit comes from just experimenting with lashups of the
design. Its very critical to get the electronics right, but the coils
themselves are more experimental. There are so few SSTCs out there that no
one has really given any general guidlines to go along. Personally i go
with the lowest Fres for acceptable size, but i also take into account wire
resistances and Q.
>Needless to say, I have reasons for asking and it has nothing to do
>with design piracy ;) There was another question I wanted to ask as
>well but it's slipped from mind for the time being. I may post a
>further query later.
So i assume you are planning to build a SSTC? If you have any questions im
always willing to help.