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RE: First observations on streamer formation (try II)

Original poster: Marco.Denicolai-at-tellabs-dot-com 

Hi Gerry,

 > Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds-at-earthlink-dot-net>
 > Marco,
 > This is cool stuff.  Here are my thoughts (i may be repeating some or
 > yours):
 > 1.  In single bang mode, log streamer length vs bang energy.

Yes, at least a sort of. It's easier to measure:

N_of_bangs = f(distance,bang_energy, etc.)

Where N_of_bangs is a discrete stochastic variable equal to the number
of bangs needed for arching to a grounded stick, depending on its
distance, bang energy, quench point, etc.

 > 2.  I presume your RSG is variable speed and the electronics
 > maintains sync
 > with it.  If so, for each pps setting and with the phasing
 > optimized (I
 > don't know if phasing is applicable in your case), vary the
 > number of bangs
 > until maximum streamer growth is obtained, log pps, number of bangs,
 > streamer growth,  and bang energy.

I have no phasing because I charge with DC the primary capacitor. My PPS
boundaries are charging speed (limiting the maximun PPS) and re-ignition
(limiting the minimum PPS)

 > 4. Evaluate staggered presentations  (don't know if the
 > electronics are
 > capable of syncing to a staggered RSG. The bang energy in a
 > real system may
 > not be constant either.  (see richie burnett's writeup on this)

What do you precisely mean?

Best Regards