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RE: Winding primary
Original poster: "Malcolm Watts" <m.j.watts-at-massey.ac.nz>
On 9 Mar 2004, at 20:19, Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Luke" <Bluu-at-cox-dot-net>
> On the note of not needing a big honkin primary coil.....
> I was starting on building my MMC the other day and it hit me that we
> talk about all this high power and current in the tank circuit and use
> a heavy gauge for the primary when in reality as far as wire size goes
> the weak link seems to be the leads coming from the caps in the MMC.
> They are so small compared to what is suggested for the primary.
I am inclined to agree with you and for this reason, designed all my
MMCs to have enough parallel sections to match the *effective* cross-
sectional area of the primary coil conductor. The capacitors run cold
and failures with poly/foil Arcotronics caps has been nil (so far).
For the budget-concious, I would accept the criticism that I have
gone for overkill in the design. But I also went for ongoing cost and
trouble-free operation.