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Image legality - but the image is Jaime's.......

Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-twfpowerelectronics-dot-com>


At 06:11 PM 3/6/2004, you wrote:

>Hi All,
>     As many of you know, the Geek Group avidly supports the dissemination of
>scientific and technical knowledge by all legitimate means. All pictures,
>texts, and diagrams on our web site are published with the permission of the
>author(s) and credits are posted to the extent possible.

But you cannot copyright what "others" have done, as "your" own:

"Copyright protection subsists from the time the work is created in fixed 
form. The copyright in the work of authorship immediately becomes the 
property of the author who created the work. Only the author or those 
deriving their rights through the author can rightfully claim copyright...."*

The original work was made by Jaime to clarify a posters question two years 


Jaime sent the picture to Hot-streamer on Tuesday Feb. 19th, 2002 at 
10:17PM so everyone on the Tesla list could see it.  It was automatically 
forwarded to the temp directory by the mail server.  I still have the 
original E-mail**...



Chris asked permission to "use the pic" on his website:


There is no record of a public response but we assume permission was 
given.  However, for the GeekGroup to claim "ownership" of the image, there 
MUST be a "written" agreement unless the "permission" is just given on a 
non-exclusive basis...  In the latter case, The third site with the picture 
could request permission from Jaime just like the GeekGroup...

"Any or all of the copyright owner's exclusive rights or any subdivision of 
those rights may be transferred, but the transfer of exclusive rights is 
not valid unless that transfer is in writing and signed by the owner of the 
rights conveyed or such owner's duly authorized agent. Transfer of a right 
on a nonexclusive basis does not require a written agreement."*

>We usually have no
>objections to anyone copying pictures and quoting text as long as sources
>are cited and appropriate credit given. However, copying from our site
>without permission, removing credit lines, and publishing materials on
>another website as one's own, is intellectually and professionally unethical
>and, in the case of copyrighted materials, also illegal, even

If this particular picture was copied from the Temp directory on 
Hot-Streamer-dot-com, then that site claims no protection of it's own.   This 
image would still be owned by Jaime, but the "site" has no restrictions on 
it's use no can it claim any.

>Because pursuing remedy claims internationally through the legal system is
>very slow, painful, and costly,

"There is no such thing as an "international copyright" that will 
automatically protect an author's writings throughout the entire world. 
Protection against unauthorized use in a particular country depends, 
basically, on the national laws of that country. However, most countries do 
offer protection to foreign works under certain conditions, and these 
conditions have been greatly simplified by international copyright treaties 
and conventions. For further information and a list of countries that 
maintain copyright relations with the United States, request Circular 38a, 
"International Copyright Relations of the United States.""*

>we are asking the members of TCML, the
>largest peer-review TC group, to consider this several-year-old illustration
>from our website:
>   http://www.thegeekgroup-dot-org/projects/bucketcap/

The picture on hot-streamer-dot-com is older, and I bet you downloaded your's 
from there ;-))

>and compare it to this recent website:

Looks like the picture on hot-streamer...

>    and use whatever peer pressure they may be able to exert to remedy this
>situation without our having to seek legal recourse.

I think we have brought the subject up well here.

For you to "make any money" in a legal action, you would first have to 
"pay" Jaime and get ownership of the image so you could claim copyright to 
it...  If you don't "own" the work, your case gets thrown out and your 
lawyer sends you the bill...

>     While we realize that sometimes a copy of a copy of a copy of something
>may inadvertently be displayed without permission/credits However direct
>plagiarism with deliberate editing out of names/logos is difficult to see as

One could argue that "your" name and logo are copyrighted by you and cannot 
be copied, so that's why they were removed....  Or, the picture was from 
hot-streamer (in fact, it originally was anyway...) and it was just cropped 
to fit...

>The Geek Group Board

So things get very messy and in the end nobody wins, except the lawyers....



*Quoted from www.copyright.gov


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