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Re: Fritz vs TCBOR -- initial results in...
Original poster: Bart Anderson <classi6-at-classictesla-dot-com>
Hi Brett, John,
Tesla list wrote:
>Original poster: FutureT-at-aol-dot-com
>In a message dated 3/2/04 11:16:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>tesla-at-pupman-dot-com writes:
>If I can be so bold as to give my opinion here, I think
>the best way to compare the TCBOR gap vs. Fritz
>gap would be to use the gap spacings that give the best
>results for each type of gap. This.. rather than using equal
>total gap spacings. For example if the longest sparks
>that the TCBOR gap can give with optimal pipe spacings are 36",
>and if the Fritz gap gives 38" with the optimal number of
>pipes in use, then I would see the Fritz gap as more efficient.
>Other factors to compare would be the quality and steadiness
>of the gap systems, and possible overheating, etc.
I'm not sure that's a good method of comparison either. There are too many
differences. The fact that the electrode diameters are different size
(1.5"? and .5"?) is the biggest problem for the comparison. It's simply a
comparison of pipes layed flat or curved. Because the electrode size is so
different throws a pretty good size wrench into the comparison (of gap
styles). To do this would require the same gap spacing and
material/diameter electrodes. Then one could compare the two to some
reasonable degree.
Take care,