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Re: living room lights don't work!!

Original poster: John <fireba8104-at-yahoo-dot-com> 

Hi Terry,
Thanks for the tip I'll look into it tonight.
What I don' t get is why that circuit had to die.
The outlet I was pluged into is GFI with a 20 amp breaker and it is 
prefectly okay.-The breaker didn't even blow
Inrush current maybe?

Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
Original poster: Terry Fritz

Hi John,

The breakers trip when the current gets too high. Once in a great while, a
connection along the wiring can blow open too due to high current. It is
possible something shorted and instead of blowing the breaker, a connection
somewhere failed instead.

Tonight, I would flip the breaker "off" to be sure a bad connection does
not have power which might possibly start a fire. Tomorrow, maybe an
electrical tester from the hardware store could find the blown
connection. You start at the breaker and work forward.

If not, maybe just call an electrician to come find it. Better to blow a
hundred bucks on a pro there than burn the house down. In a way, it is a
good thing since a bad connection is far better "found out" before
something bad happens.



At 07:48 PM 6/7/2004, you wrote:

 >Hello all,
 >Tonight I was running my coil in the basement and to my surpise the living
 >room lights and outlets no longer work. The breaker was not poped. My dad
 >and I both fliped the breaker to no prevail. Any Idea what caused this and
 >how to correct it?
 >Please help,
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