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RE: THOR Bang energy vs. streamer length measured

Original poster: "Steve Conner" <steve.conner-at-optosci-dot-com> 

 >It really is time to get it sorted in my opinion but takes
 >dedication, time money and a single-minded commitment, difficult for
 >most if not everyone to come by.

Not to mention neighbours that will put up with several half-hour runs every
night :-(

I agree with Dr. R and Jim Lux that we will find a "knee" somewhere, and
that it will be in a different place for every coil. Above this "knee" rep
rate, Marco's observation holds true, and below it, Dr.R's holds true.

Here are some measurements from my coils, and the predicted spark lengths.
The measurements are all the longest spark observed between a breakout point
and a ground point, at least once in a one-minute run.

Coil/condition		Measured	Freau 	Marco

7J, 400bps			60"		90"		49"

9J, 400bps			73"		102"		56"

7J, 100bps			39"		45"		49"

OLTC II,			24" (?)	4.5"		49"
7J, 1bps

Mini OLTC,
0.4J, 2bps			6.5"		1.5"		11.7"

Mini OLTC,			13.5"		37"		11.7"
0.4J, 1200bps

Tesla-2 (spark gap)	40"		54"		29"
2.5J, 400bps

Tesla-2 (spark gap)	17"		24"		26"
2J, 100bps

Tesla-2 (DRSSTC)
~5J, ~80bps			36"		34"		42"

Steve C.