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Re: Phase controller question. Final success

Original poster: "Christoph Bohr" <cb-at-luebke-lands.de> 

Hello John.

 > So I assume you
 > made 4 equal flats for 1500 rpm?


 >   Was it a 60Hz motor rated at 1750 rpm or so?

It was a 50Hz 1450rpm unit.

 > Still I'd expect that it would tolerate more than 90 volts.  Maybe the
 > manufacturer skimped on core metal too.
tough the unit was designed for 50Hz, as I use it, the overall design of the
motor is a bit "individual", just was
the motor that I got cheap from ebay, not the motor of choice.

However, things are working fine now. I found out that one MOT had failed in
my MOT-Stack, lowering the output considerably while
the input power was pretty much the same, only wasted in boiling the
Unfortunately my good old fluorescent hand lamp disappeared untraceable, so
I can not give closer information about the gainable angle alteration.
However, I set the RSG up manually and it was pretty easy to do, now that
everything else was OK. Performance is pretty much the same as
it was with the static gap, but current draw dropped to around 10Amps at
230V and the streamers move a bit smoother. While the
static gap was surprisingly silent the RSG's sound really deafening but cool

Some wimpy pictures can be seen here:

http://www.luebke-lands.de/tesla13.html bottom of page
http://www.luebke-lands.de/tesla7.html bottom of page, Pic of me with the
coil in the background.

The streamers look much fatter and forked than in the pictures.

 > Is that 0.3 the k of the driver (primary and secondary), or of the entire
 > system
 > of the three coils?

This is the coupling between L1 and L2 for mode 8:9:18
I wanted to avoid the troubles with higher coupling.
Now, that the gap is set up proppery i can simply use the vairac in my power
controller to generate the needed 90V and it becomes more
important that it runs at all than why it only runs at 90V. Thanks for your
advice anyway, there is still a lot of tuning ahead for me in the next
weeks, as I
believe I should get longer arcs...

best regards
