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Re: TC Question and Discharge Safety - Lightning from Fingers
Original poster: Finn Hammer <f-h-at-c.dk>
Bart, all
I would have thought that the spider met the same fate as the zillion
sleeping mosquitos that were hibernating in a celler where I ran my coil
once: They woke up, and got zapped to an extent where the zooty leftovers
from them created a mess.
But I have a feeling that you are a friendly guy, Bart. Unlikely to report
trivial "spidercide". Or is that: "Phalangidacide".
We are living in a funny segment of time:
In the start of LOTR "The return of the king" notice how it is avoided to
show Smeagol threading that worm on to the hook:
"No worms were harmed during the creation of this film"
I trust you, Bart, to have a similar comforting end to your little tale.
Happy new year to all!
Cheers, Finn Hammer
Tesla list wrote:
>"Original poster: Bart Anderson <classi6-at-classictesla-dot-com>
>New Years eve, my son and his girlfriend saw a spider on the ground and
>freaked out (daddy longleg). It amazes me how many people have fear of
>spiders (oh well). Anyway, I thought I'd see what happened if I placed
>on the toroid. Can anyone guess how the spider faired?