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Re: unabashed advertisement

Original poster: Ed Phillips <evp-at-pacbell-dot-net> 

Tesla list wrote:
 > Original poster: dgoodfellow-at-highstream-dot-net
 > Hello all,
 >      I just listed a coil for sale that represents what I feel is my best
 > work ever. It is made to look as though it was built many years ago. I
 > bring this to your attention more to share ideas than to try to increase my
 > chances of selling it. Please look here:
 > I tried to achieve a look that suggests something from the beginnings of
 > the radio age. Anyone know the time frame when the mica transmitting
 > capacitor such as the one I used was developed? I don't think that ball
 > claw feet, squirrel cage fans, and mica capacitors all existed in the same
 > time frame, but we have to have a little creative flexibility!
 > Comments and opinions welcome.
 > Cheers, Dave Goodfellow

	As for the squirrel cage fans I know they coexisted, but I'm not a
conisseur (sp?) of claw feet.  I think that mica capacitors were used as
early as 1905 and certainly were still being produced (or at least sold)
as late as 1922, which is when amatures abandoned spark in favor of much
lower power but more effective CW.  I think a 25 kV, 0.01 mfd capacitor
went for around $50 then, which must be like $1000 now!  That was an
honest 25 kV AC.

