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Re: Primary connection

Original poster: Bart Anderson <classi6-at-classictesla-dot-com> 

Hi Luke,

I use a piece of copper strap and shape it to the primary width. 2 holes 
are drilled in the ends. When the strap is folded around the primary, the 
drilled holes are aligned to a allow a single screw to pass through which 
is where I make the connection. I use a washer on each side of the strap to 
ensure the clamp is tight to the primary. The hold length must be correct 
to ensure a tight fit.

Here's an old picture for reference:

Take care,

Tesla list wrote:

>Original poster: "Luke" <Bluu-at-cox-dot-net>
>I was wondering if I could hear the various ways that everyone has 
>connected their primary coil to the rest of the system.
>I have an alligator clip in mind when I think of this.
>Seems like a rather bad idea in a way.  We design this system that can 
>have in the hundreds of amps for a peak current.  Then we runn this huge 
>current through a connection that consists of an alligator clip on a 
>copper tube.
>It seems like bottleneck.  It would hinder the flow of such large currents.
>Are there any better alternative simple or not id like to hear bout them.
>Luke Galyan