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Re: ballast
- To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: ballast
- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 17:18:36 -0700
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- Resent-date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 17:18:39 -0700 (MST)
- Resent-from: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
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Original poster: "Daniel McCauley" <dhmccauley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
And the question is . . .
Where can one find two 10kVA Supercil grade C cores?
Anyways, glad to see you back on the list. Hope you are feeling better and
make a full recovery!
> You can use two 10 kVA Supercil grade C cores strapped together with
> stainless steel strapping (don't use steel or iron). Cross section needs
> be approx 3 1/2 x 4 inches depending on the power level you intend to
> operate. These cores are gapped with plastic or Nomex on both sides at
> inches. Total inductance required is around 140 mHy if you are running a
> variac for voltage control. This requires approx 120-130 turns of 8 to 10
> AWG wound on an insulating box around the core. Don't use 12 AWG as it
> overheat because the core is bumping up against saturation on it's current
> peaks. Also a good idea to a small 100 CFM cooling fan across the reactor
> windings. Space wind the windings with some 1/4 x 1/4 inch phenolic
> to provide good air circulation.
> We run this type of reactor at 7-12 kVA levels with our pole xmfrs.
> Dr. Resonance
> >
> > Can anyone please tell me how to design a ballast or
> > what I could use as a ballast for a pole pig? E-mail
> > me at dimon20042004@xxxxxxxxx
> >
> > Thanks in advance:)
> > Robert
> >
> >
> >