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Re: HV differantal probe?

Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


We tried to get some easy Differential probe going about a year ago. However, it proved to be a daunting task and we never could get anything to work well.

You can see the old files here starting with "DiffProbe"


The first TL082 based one should work, but the bandwidth would not be very high. The high bandwidth stuff was just about impossible to do in any reproducible way. To much high voltage and too sensitive input impedances. Trying to measure 20 volts riding on nasty 400 volt signals is pretty hard. Then there is ringing and all that... I did get "one" to work but it took hours of soldering surface mount parts to "tune" it.



At 02:20 PM 12/31/2004, you wrote:
Hi, I seem to recall something about a high voltage diffrental probe someone on the list was making a long time ago, anyone still have the schmatic? Im intrested in doing some SMPS work, and hence though it would be a good idea to have a well designed diffrental hv probe for the primary work so I don't fry my new scope, since tesla coils and smps operate around the same freqency range, and something that can surive being around a tesla coil can handle my smps :)