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Terry's DRSSTC - Frequency/Pulse Width Controller

Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi All,

For my DRSSTC, I was going to have two knobs. A 100k single turn pot in series with a 1k resistor to do the pulse width and basically act as a power controller following Steve's suggestion. And another pot set up just like it (maybe a ten turn) for the pulse width. The "linear" pulse width thing is easy with a LMC555 timer.

However, most LMC555 circuits and their types are "F : 1/R" type circuits so the frequency control is not at all linear. I was thinking zero on the pot would be like 1Hz, 25% on the pot 250Hz, 50% on the post 500Hz, 100% on the pot 1000 Hz...

I just wanted to check to see if anyone and an easy simple way to do that? I checked around for ICs and such, but did not find any wonderful solutions. I can probably do it with a few simple digital chips, but thought I would ask...

I am going for primary current trip and IGBT temperature protection... Still trying to figure out how to "saw up" the box... I did get one heck of a terminal block milled out for the output ;-) IGBT cross conduction will be "controlled" buy a 1/4 inch thick sheet of lexan :o))

All is going well, but I "had" to buy a bunch of power tools for the project too :o))) Also worked on the tube coil and replaced the grid resistors with TO-220 types from Digikey and a real heat sink now so the coil would not smell like burning wood... Getting ready for Gerry and I's "show" on the 29th...

In a brilliant leap in cybersquatting, guess who grabbed www.drsstc.com :0))) Nothing there this moment but the jump pages, but I hope to put all my DRSSTC stuff there and link all the other cool DRSSTC sites. I hope to avoid the "void" with my OLTC thing... That server can also host other DRSSTC sites under it since it is a full high powered server thing with individual sites and E-mail and all... If anyone has any ideas for the site or you want to put your DRSSTC stuff there (DRSSTC stuff ONLY though) let me know at:

terry-drsstc(put an asterisk thing here)drsstc.com

I have a big list of folk's sites to get linked up already. I am even using real web publishing software now, but I have found that is it "me" not the "software" :o)) So no "flashy stuff" still :-))))

BTW - Rather than being on the "bleeding edge" of this DRSSTC stuff I am now "following" :o))) It's sort of nice :-))) Many thank to those that figured the hard stuff out!!! I really think the DRSSTC will change "everything" in our hobby!!!

