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Re: Tesla Coil For Rocky Horror Picture Show

Original poster: "Harold Weiss" <hweiss-at-new.rr-dot-com> 

Hi Randel,

This theatre sounds like a sandwich theatre I started out in.  Maybe your
best bet would be a couple of Jacobs's Ladders instead.  A 15KV 60mA neon
sign xfmr (15/60 NST) will work well for making a 3-4' ladder.  It won't
cause the interferance that a coil would, and take up a much smaller space,
plus you don't have to worry about messing up medical devices in the
audience.  I'll send pictures offlist.

In the most successful version of Frankenstin that I have done with a coil,
I had a 200A service with separate ground all to myself.  I was only using
20A on it.  The coil would arc to the strike cage about 2' in each
direction.  Dimming was a hodgepodge of autoxfmr and dimmer packs frontlit
with no overhead lighting.  I would sit in the audience with the controller
closest to the coil, for the best view of the stage and coil for safety
reasons.  It was great hearing the whole audience gasp in unison when the
coil fired.  At intermission, at times half the audience would have to
leave, as the little kids were too scared of the coil, and one parent had to
take them home.  In my latest production of it, I had to cut the coil due to
interferance, and go with the Jacob's Ladder instead.  BUMMER!

I would definatly go with both the ladder and the coil in the plan.  And if
the coil won't work, you still have the ladders.

David E Weiss

 > Original poster: WrightScenic-at-aol-dot-com
 > Thanks Harold,
 > Very helpful information.  This is a really small theatre.  You raise
 > issues that concern me, most notably the power requirement and possibly
 > lighting and sound control interference.
 > Supposedly, we are maxed out on power useage.  I'm not sure if that rumor
 > refers to building service (likely not) or wall outlet consumption.
 > All dimming is accomplished with dimmer packs located in between wall
 > outlets and instruments.
 > Currently no wireless mikes, but may end up with some.
 > Space is small, but I think if the coil size is reasonable, I might be
 > to isolate it safely.
 > Wish you were in Dallas.  Further comments?
 > RW