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RE: How to make a "good" copper tubing clamp

Original poster: "Lau, Gary" <gary.lau-at-hp-dot-com> 

But the current path involved in such a clamp is a small fraction of an 
inch.  If one were winding a primary, the losses of such conductors would 
be significant, but in this application, I can't imagine there would be any 
detectable difference.

Gary Lau

Original poster: "Dr. Resonance" <resonance-at-jvlnet-dot-com>

At RF frequencies all 4 of these would be a poor choice.  Best to stick with
brass or copper.

Dr. Resonance

  >   RE: How to make a "good" copper tubing clamp
  > Go to a hot rod shop, or air craft supply and ask for an Adel clamp. It
  > is a metal strap 1/4 to 1/3 wide with a small bolt to clamp with. You
  > can get them in SS , steel , Ti and alum , from 1/4 dia up to 3 or 4
  > inches.  I use them to hold coax bundles to my tower and elec lines .
  > They are used to hold down fuel , elec and hyd lines.