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A TC Grounding and Filtering Scheme

Original poster: Dave Lewis <hvdave-at-earthlink-dot-net> 

Hello All,

I've put together a schematic of my TC grounding and filtering scheme
that I'm planning on using for my next iteration on my coil.   The
schematic shows the whole system which, for me, makes it easier to
visualize where currents are flowing.   I'm interested in anyone's


The goal I was trying to achieve...
(1) Protect my NST's
(2) Keep as much RF crap as possible from feeding back into my 60Hz line
and ground.

I turned the Corcom EMI filter around backwards so the common mode choke
was facing the NST primary.  That should better block common mode
currents from the NST primary to my line ground.

I'm also planning on putting in an RF block (1k // 2mH) between my line
ground and NST chassis for the same reason.   The NST's will have some
common mode RF voltages on them but that shouldn't be a problem since
differentially they will be well protected.

The NST output filter is pretty much a straight up Terry Filter.  I'm
using some different components (values) than what Terry's originally
selected, but its pretty much the same thing.

The first safety gap I was planning on building with two 1/2 brass
spheres set off a small flat metal plate (for ground electrode)
equidistance.   I'll use the metal plate as my connection point between
the RF ground and NST output ground.

Safety gap #2 is located very close to the main gap.

The RF ground is about 10 feet of 3/4 inch copper pipe sunk into the
ground with about 12 feet of 2 AWG wire to the coil secondary.

Dave Lewis