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Re: overcoupling
Original poster: FutureT-at-aol-dot-com
In a message dated 9/24/03 10:09:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
tesla-at-pupman-dot-com writes:
>be 4 15/30 nst's with
>PFC,mains filter and Terry filter all on a HEAVY but removable Powerpak
>,spark gap is a washing machine motor that I modified to work as synchronous
>at 1800 rpm with a propellor gap using 1/8 tungsten electrodes (4 stationary
>posts for 120bps).
>Main Cap will be .045 uF (3 strings of 10 .015uF Geek caps) Is this a good
>size for a SRSG ?
I can see you're gaining considerable experience with your coils. The
0.045uF may be a little small for SRSG LTR operation, but it may work
out fine. I can't be sure. Some of the NST's are touchy.
>Primary is 16 turns on 5/8" spacing 14" ID. 38" OD.
>Secondary is 12.5" PVC sewerpipe turned down to 12.25" ....Could the bell
>end be used as a sheild between the Pri. and Sec. to prevent Pri. to Sec.
>arcing ?........winding is 22Ga. 36" legnth with multiple heavy coats of
The problem is that PVC is not really a good insulator. I think
it's just
best to keep the coupling at a suitable degree.
>Any suggestions for a toroid size ?
A 9" x 30" toroid may be good.
>PS there is a safety gap too.