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Fwd: 10+MHz SSTC Gate Drive Circuit Finalized
Original poster: Kchdlh-at-aol-dot-com
More about this...
Learning simulation as I go along, I've just downloaded some Zetex SPICE
models & put them into SIMetrix, then put ZTX649s & -749s into my
schematic. I now get 100 ns rise & fall times between 10 and 4 V. Also,
no output-voltage overlap above 1 V, not even at the start. So much for
the old-timey 2N2222s and 2N2904s...
I also changed the frequency to 130 KHz (more closely matching my sec's
Fr)& the transformer coils' inductances to 150 uH (easier to make); plus, I
added 10 K pull-down resistors for the loads.
Ken Herrick
P.S. Juno still blocks pupman!!
In a message dated 9/22/03 6:37:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
tesla-at-pupman-dot-com writes:
Original poster: "K. C. Herrick" <kchdlh-at-juno-dot-com>
Dan (& all)-
I'll prevail on Terry once again to post this revision--I hope, final--to
my suggested SSTC driver;
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Subject: Re: 10+MHz SSTC Gate Drive Circuit Finalized
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Original poster: "K. C. Herrick" <kchdlh-at-juno-dot-com>
Dan (& all)-
I'll prevail on Terry once again to post this revision--I hope, final--to
my suggested SSTC driver; http://hot-streamer-dot-com/temp/ssdrvr-kch7.pdf.
(He may also delete all the other ssdrvr-kch files to save himself some
HD space.)
In the simulation, I've followed Dan McCauley's suggestions in changing
R2 to 2 ohms & TX1's k to 0.99. I also changed C4 & C7 to 40 nF and R1 &
R7 to 2 ohms. Also found 220 nF better for C1, C2, C3, C5 & C6. Also
added 470 ohms across each secondary; they were ringing a bit.
As before, in the top one of the 2 identical secondary circuits, C3
charges thru C2 and Q6 b:e while C2 charges thru D1 and Q2 b:c. Emitter
follower Q2 is driven via D1 while e.f. Q1 is driven by Q6 via D2. Q6
only turns on as a common-base-connected transistor when TX1's + output
exceeds C3's voltage by ~1.4 V; that's what prevents output-signal
Because of the action of Q6, the output voltages never overlap at greater
than ~1 V except up to ~3 V during the first 3 half-cycles after turn-on.
Rise & fall times between 10 and 4 V are a respectable 200 ns, & likely
better in real life with real & better transistors.
I've added b:e resistors here & there, also.
I realize that a plain-vanilla capacitor is a poor simulation of a
MOSFET; the MOSFET model I have with the (free) SIMetrix doesn't seem to
fully characterize the several non-linear capacitances so I don't bother
with it.
As I've said, I prefer this circuit (absent actual realization, of
course) to Dan's because a) the output signals don't overlap
(significantly) and b) no transistor zeners.
Ken Herrick