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Re: surface area of wire

Original poster: "chris swinson" <exxos-at-cps-games.co.uk> 

 > Maybe.  If two secondaries were wound, one with Litz, and one with solid
 > wire, both with the same inductance, DC resistance, number of turns,
 > geometry, I would also expect the Litz coil to have the performance
 > edge.  Whether the improvement is measurable or significant remains to
 > be seen.  I have heard anecdotal reports of folks being disappointed
 > with Litz secondaries, but I think they were simply no better than their
 > solid counterparts.  I have no specific information on these reports, so
 > take that with a grain of salt.
 > If your solid coil has zero output, something is wrong, and I don't
 > think any useful conclusions can be drawn.  Were the inductances
 > identical, or did you attempt to retune to compensate for differing
 > inductance?

I dont think anything was wrong with the solid coil, I actually wound coils
with 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.5mm wire and bascially kept the length of wire the
same and of course adjusted frequency. Inductance of every coil was of
course less each time so re-tuneing was needed. The 0.8mm gave somethign
like 1" arc output, while witht he same length of wire (stranded ) with less
inductance and of course spaced turns gave 2" sparks when the otuput should
have been 0. The 1.5mm solid wire coil should have given better output than
the stranded coil but it didn't.  Theres no way IMO that the stranded coil
can have anything better than the larger surface area of wire.

I did do these tests a few months back, though I did do each test about 10
times to make sure. I also reemmber I could hardely lift either coil due to
the weight of the wire on each ;-)

If anyone has any ideas other than surface area then I would like some input
on this. Both coils are wound on 6" dia form, the 1.5mm solid wire coil is
about 50" high, the other coil has 2.5mm multistrand wire and is about 80"
tall.  I can take inductance and resistance is I need to list them too ?
