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Re: More pipe cap TSG experiments
Original poster: robert & june heidlebaugh <rheidlebaugh-at-desertgate-dot-com>
Steve: Your problems sound familiar. I use a series coil to disconect my
power supply from my TC (15T 1" x 6") and I mount my spark gap vertical with
a 1" air space under the assembly to allow air flow. I can add a blower if
neaded. I get 240 pps max. any more and I loose spark strength. When using
DC the disconect choke coil is manditory to avoid power arc with out regard
to power level. No choke No work. I have used different choke disigns with
about the same results. 15T of 1/2 coax cable core wire on a picture tube
deflection coil core works well and I can pot that in a solid casting for
insulation. For testing the air coil with no core suport is easy to make
with heavy solid wire. It only takes about 4u seconds of disconect time.
Robert H
> From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 22:15:57 -0600
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: More pipe cap TSG experiments
> Resent-From: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Resent-Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 22:27:04 -0600
> Original poster: "S & J Young" <youngs-at-konnections-dot-net>
> A few weeks ago, I reported results of Jim Lux's pipe cap triggered spark
> gap design. I got good results using a half inch diameter hole for the
> trigger side of the gap. But with my DC resonant charging setup, it would
> fail to quench sufficiently at power levels over 1 KW DC.
> So I tried it again with a 3/4 inch hole, allowing a longer trigger spark
> and more air volume through the gap. I was able to crank another 100 watts
> through it before it started losing quench, causing my filter caps to dump
> their joules through the reactor into the gap, causing the power supply
> variac to thump and protest due to the large pulses of mains power to
> recharge the power supply filter caps. Bad scene.
> A clue is that when I raise the break rate above about 180 BPS, the filter
> cap discharges happen much more frequently, indicating not enough time has
> elapsed between trigger pulses to clear out the conducting hot ions.
> Sadly, I am convinced more and more that TSGs for high power will only be
> successful with AC power supplies. This allows enough time to blow out the
> hot ions during the times the voltage is below the gap firing point. This
> leaves the old standby - an asynchronous rotary spark gap - as the most
> reliable solution for higher power DC powered TCs.
> Comments?
> --Steve Y.