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RE: Over-voltage at Synchronous Gap ? ? ?
Original poster: "Mccauley, Daniel H" <daniel.h.mccauley-at-lmco-dot-com>
Great info and simulations Kurt. I'll definitely check them out tonite
when I get home from work.
I appreciate the effort you put together in this reply!
The Captain
> Hi Dan,
> I did a series of 29 microsim8-pspice simulations on that. Malcolm is
> very right, the question is: HOW MUCH LTR? My example: 15/60 NST with
> LTR caps of 33nF, 30nF and 25nF (at line f=50Hz), and a
> classic coil I'm
> currently building (fairly detailed simulation). The varied
> variable was
> the time delay of the SRSG, relative to the zero crossing
> voltage of the
> 50Hz line, recording the peak voltage on the cap, the peak secondary
> voltage and the line-power draw (a PFC capacitor of 80uF kept
> the power
> factor in a acceptable range, without disturbing the sim
> otherwise). The
> main results are as follows:
> LTRcap=33nF, Vcap.max=24.2kV(-at-5.5ms delay),
> Vsec.max=411kV(-at-4.5ms delay)
> LTRcap=30nF, Vcap.max=28.4kV(-at-5.5ms delay),
> Vsec.max=453kV(-at-4.5ms delay)
> LTRcap=25nF, Vcap.max=39.9kV(-at-5.5ms delay),
> Vsec.max=558kV(-at-4.5ms delay)
> A summary PDF of the results can be had under
> http://home.tiscalinet.ch/m.schraner/LTR_Sim1.pdf (484kB)
> ...and a more appropriate result in excel-form at
> http://home.tiscalinet.ch/m.schraner/LTR_Simu.xls (171kB)
> Considering maximum cap-voltage (with inductive kick), this voltage is
> NOT identical with the SRSG time delay, obtained for max. secondary
> voltage ( and also not identical with the firing voltage of the main
> SRSG gap).
> It appears, that peak primary cap voltage is quite sensitive, on how
> much the LTR cap value deviates from the "ideal" value of 33.2nF. The
> recommended value for 15/60 NST's, of 30nF, in the table under:
> http://hot-streamer-dot-com/temp/MMCcapSales.gif
> is just ~3nF below the "ideal" value, but brings more than 4kV more
> stress on the cap. Thinking, 2 more 150nF caps on each of the 2 MMC
> strings would make it "safer", in fact make it worse, because the
> capacitance is then reduced to 25nF (instead of 33nF), which leads to
> ~16kV more possible stress to the primary capacitor, than
> "ideal" 33nF.
> This investigation has shown me to be careful about selecting a
> deviating value for SRSG LTR-caps, relative to the "ideal" value (in
> fact I decided to make an MMC of 2 x 12 150nF CD's + 1 x 12 100nF CD's
> for my 15/60 NST). The little new coil is not yet completely
> buildt and
> tested, but I'll report the results.
> Cheers, Kurt
> > I am having some interesting phenomenon occur at the
> safety gap I have
> > at my
> > SRSG gap.
> >
> > If I adjust my SRSG to the point of which (should yield
> 75% to 100% maximum
> > voltage at primary capacitor), i get firing of my safety gap with
> > loud bangs (which are likely because the MMC is
> discharging into the safety
> > gap) The safety gap is adjusted slightly larger than the
> no-load voltage
> > on the NST. I am confused to why this gap is firing as I
> am using a LTR
> > type capacitor and didn't think i could get over-voltages
> using a SRSG.
> >
> > Any thoughts??
> >
> > Specs on my small coil are:
> >
> > 15kV, 60MA NST
> > 0.0257uF, 24kV (MMC - LTR sized)
> > Standard secondary and primary coil
> >
> > The Captain