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Re: Over-voltage at Synchronous Gap ? ? ?

Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds-at-earthlink-dot-net> 

Hi Captain,

.0257uf is very close to the .028 uf LTR that I show for your xformer.  The
steady state voltage should be less than the NST no load.  However, the
transient response could put it over.  Try to remove the SRSG and bring the
power up slowly while watching the safety spark gap voltage with a 1000:1 HV
probe and a scope.  The safety gap may not fire in this case.  If you then
precipitate a firing (do this safely), it may continue to fire do to this
transient response.

Gerry R
Ft Collins, CO

 > I am having some interesting phenomenon occur at the safety gap I have at
 > SRSG gap.
 > If I adjust my SRSG to the point of which (should yield 75% to 100%
 > voltage at primary capacitor), i get firing of my safety gap with
 > loud bangs (which are likely because the MMC is discharging into the
 > gap)  The safety gap is adjusted slightly larger than the no-load voltage
 > on the NST.  I am confused to why this gap is firing as I am using a LTR
 > type capacitor and didn't think i could get over-voltages using a SRSG.
 > Any thoughts??
 > Specs on my small coil are:
 > 15kV, 60MA NST
 > 0.0257uF, 24kV (MMC - LTR sized)
 > Standard secondary and primary coil
 > The Captain