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RE: New SSTC Topology ready for release . . . up to 30MHz operation (tested successfully)

Original poster: "Mccauley, Daniel H" <daniel.h.mccauley-at-lmco-dot-com> 

 > Great progress Captain!  One statement you have made a couple of times
 > puzzles me.  That is that corona gets noticeably quieter
 > sounding as the
 > excitation frequency goes up, being hardly noticeable at 3 mHz and up.

 > Why?  We can't hear anything past 20 kHz or so.  I am
 > hypothesizing that the
 > corona medium (air) is non-linear and we are hearing many
 > beat frequencies
 > of the difference of the fundamental and many harmonics
 > present in lower
 > frequency coronas.  The result is an approximation of white
 > noise - hiss.

Yes, I'm not sure exactly why this is.  One of the plasma speaker
pioneers, Seigfried Klein was one of the first
to note that corona hiss is present up to about 3MHz.  He did this in

But, sure i'd like to know exactly why corona hiss is present up to 3MHz
as well.

The Captain
