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Re: Calculating streamer breakout of top-loads
Original poster: "Rikard Titus" <rikard_titus-at-hotmail-dot-com>
>From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Calculating streamer breakout of top-loads
>Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 22:35:12 -0600
>Original poster: "Dr. Resonance" <resonance-at-jvlnet-dot-com>
>.05 MFD.
>The streamer length is of course in no way really related to the output
>potential. Our static single-shot firing will establish the correct
>potential for the coil, ie, peak potential is the same.
I agree,the most responsible is the power.
I still wonder why putting 148 kV 8" discharge one shot condition in the
same context with 80" discharge 345 pps run when you run the system
classical ARSG?
Put it in another way:
0.05 uF x 13 kV /2 = 4.225 J
4.225 J x 345 pps = 1457 W
I think you are running this coil about 3000 W to get 80 " sparks.Right?
Logical conclusion:there are shots exceeding 13 kV primary voltage,and
consequently higher potentials V2 than just 148 kV you measured.
But still I do think the information of V2/V1 cca 11 in single shot test of
your coil is of interest.Most coils loseless conversion ratios exceed 25.
kind regards