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Re: how to use a current transformer

Original poster: coils-at-dslextreme-dot-com 

Thanks for the responses,

So I need a resistor across the CT leads, soldered on preferably.  Does
the value of this resistor establish the Volts and power at the CT leads?
2ohms -at- 100:5A = 10v, 50w
.2= 1v, 5w
.02= .1v, .5w
no resistor = dangerous 20x volts

I'm not clear on what value I should use to be safe and to properly load
the CT.  Once I have a suitable resistor in place, can I read the output
with my handheld meter?  Finally, at 100:5 A full scale, and I am
anticipating 30 amps through the CT (one pass), should I hope for 1.5 amps
at the CT leads?

Thanks again,

Thad Howard