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Re: TC -or- the WIFE ! H E L P !

Original poster: BunnyKiller <bunikllr-at-bellsouth-dot-net> 

Tesla list wrote:

>Original poster: Dan <toodamtall1-at-yahoo-dot-com>
>I need help, or a good divorce lawyer. Anyone work in
>marital litigation??
>Well, I was telling the wife about a component I found
>for my TC (my first BIG mistake I know) and she lost
>She thinks the TC is going to kill the little kid next
>door -or- ours.
>What do I do. I know number ONE is don't EVER mention
>the TC again. But I think she's getting something
>(that time of the month) which only aggravates it. But
>she has expressed seVere dislike for the TC in the
>past. God why did I do this to myself? I mean get
>married????? DOH! YOu single guys out there;
>DON'T DO IT ! ! ! ! !
>Dan-Ft. Lauderdale
Hi Dan...

Im married and the Wifey likes my coil    she just hates to seem me run it 
when its at full power   ( 12 foot streamers do look 
intimidating...)    she fusses about the out - go of the in-come  ;)~

when your wife is more receptive...  ( 10 -12 days before the next  .
)   ask her what fears she has about the coil   she probably wont know
she will give you the same excuse about killing kids...   but your 
responcible :)   ....

My wife knows a coil does nothing but make streamers    but I tell her its 
a learning thing   and learning is fun  :)  its a GUY thing :)

and it keeps me from doing other things like building race boats,
chasing other women, or playing with explosives ( well I still do that on a 
small scale   the explosives stuff that is )

T coiling is alot safer than chemistry, rock climbing, cave diving...
just to name a few...

just remember    never tell the wife about future purchases, improvements 
made to or going to make to the coil
for some reason   they will fuss about any/all hobbies they dont like or 
dont understand

good luck...

Scot D