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Re: MMC - Sufficient Capacity?
Original poster: tesla <tesla-at-paradise-dot-net.nz>
Hi Koen
Do you caps have a makers name and type no would be interested to look at
cap specs and see what excess series L and R lok like
Ted l in NZ
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 12:28 AM
Subject: MMC - Sufficient Capacity?
> Original poster: Koen van den Berg <cerberus_rex-at-planet.nl>
> Hello all,
> I was hoping somebody can help me out with a 'problem' I've run in to. I'm
> in the process of making an MMC. It consists of 94 audio grade caps in
> series, rated at 160 V by 3.3 mf. This amounts to approx. 15 kV and 35 nf.
> Will this be adequate considering my transformer (dual parallel 10 kV 50
> NST's)? I might be able to up the cap bank to 100 caps, all rated at 160
> but that would mean adding 6 caps that were made by the same manufacturer,
> but aren't rated at the same capacitance. These are 160 V 4.7 mf caps. Is
> my current MMC sufficient, should I add these extra caps or do I have to
> take a totally different approach? Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance
> Koen van den Berg