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Re: Meters

Original poster: davep <davep-at-quik-dot-com> 

>Original poster: dhmccauley-at-spacecatlighting-dot-com
>Try local hamfests.  They always have a plethora of meters at very cheap
         I wuz gonna say that.

         'plethora' (at least near 'here') means a box of
         meters about 1 cubic foot, dig out what you want.

         And, as noted, it helps to be able to rescale them.

         A good size hamfest will have several such boxes, and other
         interesting goodies...

         Some digging on the net will find indexes/listings
         for any given area.

         For those in NE/Boston i think this is the last of the
         year of the monthly 'fleas at MIT'.

