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RE: Help - Primary Supports

Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-twfpowerelectronics-dot-com>


At 12:02 PM 10/13/2003, you wrote:
>HDPE, UHMW Polyethylene, PVC, and even wood (dry) works well for primary
>supports.  Some will say you need to use
>this plastic or to never use wood, but some of the largest coils i've
>seen use wood supports on the primary.

If you live in a dry area, hardwood or other dried woods work fine.  Just 
stay away from humidity and rain.

>UHMW Polyethylene is very inexpensive and available at www.mcmaster-dot-com.
>It won't machine to well (tapping and threading screws etc...), but
>drilling simple holes for primary supports works well, and you can drill
>clearance holes and counterbore them to put screws to attach the
>supports to a wood base.

You can machine UMHW and all that with really "super sharp" aggressive 
cutters lightly lubricated with oil.  "I" would get the premium grade of 
UMHW as opposed to the standard grade with is pretty "cheap".  However, any 
of the polyethylenes will work just fine.  UMHW might be nice if it were 
going to have to survive a train wreak or something :o))  You may want to 
get nylon screws/nuts/bolts/washers from McMaster too since no glue will 
stick to it.

HDPE Polyethylene is often found in big scrape chunks for free if you have 
any local plastics places or machine shops.  But even if you have to buy it 
new, it is cheap.  A 24 x 24 x 1/2 inch thick sheet is $25.  I think it is 
the cheapest big bulk plastic out there.  Shipping charges can add up, so 
watch that.  I order all my 2 x 2  foot stock at once so it comes in "one" 
big box to save on shipping.

It is also available as those plastic cutting boards at the 
Walmart/Target/Kmart types stores.  It cost much more than getting it 
direct bulk, but it is "easy".

>I actually use this material for my coils and actually have a smaller
>piece of UHMW PE for a cover on the supports.
>See my picture of my 4" coil below showing the primary supports.




>The Captain