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SSTC huge flyback version
Original poster: "RIAA/MPAA's Worst Nightmare" <mike.marcum-at-zoomtown-dot-com>
I was thinking of making a giant 15 kW jacob's ladder (5-foot spread) that
was also portable (not pig/generator powered). I came across this circuit:
I was planning on powering it on 180vdc (50 lithium cells in series)
instead of 12 (having trouble making 1500A primary fit and harder than heck
to work with). Any ideas on what to change besides the resistors and
transistors? I think it would be cool to have the frequency drop into the
audio spectrum as the arc climbed as opposed to the usual 60Hz buzz (roar
with a pig). I've seen it done with tv flybacks (~200w), but not on this
scale. The E-core I'll have is 4" cross section with 2x 4.5" windows. Would
a 1" cross section UU-core work for the "saturable transformer" or is that
too big? Maybe a regular flyback core there? Thanks for any help/advice.