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Re: Measuring ring down

Original poster: dhmccauley-at-spacecatlighting-dot-com 

Use a current transformer.

 > What is the best way to measure the ring down of my air blast gap?
 > I have a digital and an analogue CRO and a 2500v probe.
 > The NST is rated at 11kV.
 > Assuming I can come up with a suitably rated 100x resistive divider, where
 > is the best place to measure - across the gap, across the cap, or across
 > half the NST?
 > Is there an easier way than using a resistive divider? Because for 50kV -
 > absolute worst case, plus a big safety margin, (I like my cro) - it would
 > have to be rated for 25W (if RL=100M).
 > I'm not interested in absolute measurements I just want to see how many
 > notches are conducted.
 > Thanks,
 > Tom L.
 > PS: I don't seem to be able to get to www.pupman-dot-com to search the
 > (10060 - Connection timed out), is the server down?