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Re: RF question
Original poster: Jim Lux <jimlux-at-earthlink-dot-net>
At 05:01 PM 10/3/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>Original poster: "chris swinson" <exxos-at-cps-games.co.uk>
>Hi Terry, Matt D,
>I did try a meter of antenna once, though didn't seem to make much
>difference TBH, unless it has to be a fair bit longer like 3 miles :) I'm
>using a SSTC now so CW is a lot more stable for such things.
A SSTC is basically a power RF oscillator, and is probably the best way to
go about making high power RF at lowish frequencies. If you need serious
power and higher frequencies, the tried and true vacuum tube is the answer.
A whole series of power triodes exist from CPI (nee Eimac) for tens of
watts up to hundreds of kilowatts. Yesiree.. I'm waiting for the first
person to build that VTTC with a 3CX50000
> I'm not
>intending to broadcast with it, I found it "interesting" that it can charge
>up anything metal withing a meter of the secondary, including the metal
>on/off mains switch and the frequency control knob where you can only turn
>the thing off by the expense of burning flesh :))
Indeed.. with a few hundred watts, you could be more than a few meters away
and do this..
>anyways, I could do with a nice vacation expenses paid by the FCC ;-)
The FCC won't pay for it, and in fact, will stick you with that $10,000/day
As for vacation...Everyone I know personally that has had "three hots and a
cot" provided by the "state" has commented that there are better ways to do
things (although one did comment that if you must, do it in Canada..).